Our First Founders are as Excited as this Opening Day Moment - Our Special Thanks and Welcome to All of You!
As exciting as seen in this opening day photograph of Brian Head Resort this season on "day one, hour one, and ride one" of the "first three skiers and riders of the 2023/2024 ski season", we wish to extend our equal excitement and thanks for all of our Earliest Founders of Aspen Meadows! Your Ski Season Passes and Ski Shop Certificates are now ready for your next mountain visit as part of your Founder's Benefits. Feel free to contact us for details.
Redeem Your Founder's Benefits
Congratulations again on your recent purchase of some of our best Ski-in, Ski-Out homesites first released within our Southeast Neighborhood - Phase One program earlier this year! You will each be contacted with pick-up details for your season passes and gift certificates at Brian Head Sports, Georg's Ski Shop, and the Brian Head Resort Season Pass ticket office. Your excitement shown so far, with many of you already beginning your new home designs and choosing your preferred home builders and architects, as we now start to see the many new homesite construction signs appearing throughout the Southeast Neighborhood, reflects the same excitement as seen in these opening day photographs, celebrating your new future ski home and the opening up of this years' 2023/2024 ski season. Welcome to Aspen Meadows! We are excited to have each of you as "new neighbors," and it has been our honor to have the opportunity to meet each of you and your family members and ski friends over this first year!
Aspen Meadows Announces Phase II Release Date on our New Ski-In, Ski-Out Homesites, available within The Southeast Neighborhood.
Southeast Neighborhood - Phase Two Founders Release Date: January 1, 2024. Phase Two - Release Date: January 1, 2024.
We are pleased to announce that our remaining 33 Southeast Neighborhood homesites, part of Phase Two of our New Ski-in, Ski-Out development, will be released in just 30 days on January 1, 2024. Full details of our upcoming Phase Two Founders Release of our second and last phase of the Southeast Neighborhood Homesites will be released via our Aspen Meadows Club website at midnight on
December 31, 2023!
Southeast Neighborhood - Phase One Beginning January 1, 2024, a price increase will go into effect for all remaining homesites. Phase One - Act now to secure New Ski-in, Ski-Out Homesite 2023 pricing. Contact us within 30 days to choose your homesite. Don't miss out on Phase One remaining homesites and the opportunity to lock in 2023 Founders Pricing before your next winter ski trip. Remaining Homesite prices will increase on January 1, 2024. To secure your availability and lock in the 2023 pricing for your new ski homesite purchase this winter, please make sure to schedule an appointment date with us within the next 30 days. This will ensure that you don't miss out on this opportunity before the year ends!
We thank you again for considering Aspen Meadows as your new future ski home address in Brian Head, Utah. On behalf of our entire team, we look forward to this opportunity to begin our 30-year legacy journey with you and our Brian Head community. We are excited to assist you and your family in your next ski chapter and journey.
All my best,
Flint A. Flint Decker | President
Aspen Meadows Telephone: 435.901.2500
Address: One Peak Drive, PO Box 190249, Brian Head, Utah 84719-0249